2021 Successful Pitches

Beaconsfield Primary School

Veggie Garden

YAC supported the student's pitch to resurrect their school veggie garden. The team helped out with a working bee, provided much needed soil, seeds and materials to the space that has been looking a bit tired over the years.

The veggie garden assists students to learn and be educated in producing their own food that they can take home or donate to the school kitchen for school lunches.

Exeter High School

Mural Paintings

YAC supported the student's pitch to bring a positive and creative message to the student bathroom walls. With toilets being not necessarily being the nicest looking places, but also being a refuge for someone that isn't going great, the school created large paintings to bring life and colour to the bathroom walls.

YAC provided an anti graffiti coating to the images so the longevity of the artwork is maintained.
