2022 Successful Pitches

Beaconsfield Primary School

War on Waste

YAC supported the student's pitch to address the issues of waste in the school. The students are passionate about creating initiatives to reduce, reuse and recycle. The students presented a powerpoint highlighting the worldwide issue and suggesting ideas on how the students in the school can make a positive contribution.

YAC will be supporting the students with video and poster creation about reducing the carbon footprint, and will be providing supplies to assist with composting and recycling in the school.

Riverside High School

Outdoor Stage

YAC supported the student's pitch to create an outdoor school stage builds a sense of community. It will be a central point of the school where students can gather, celebrate and make good memories together. It is a platform (quite literally) to showcase and appreciate the talents of students within the school, where the school can hold music performances, debates and drama items. For larger events, such as side fest and trivia nights, it will be useful for hosting. When not being used for events, the stage can act as a seating area and a space where people can come together and socialise.

YAC will assist with the official opening and present the YAC logo to be placed on the side of the stage as a recognition of support.
