Participant's Details - note youth must be aged 10-17 and live within the West Tamar Council.
Please indicate which activities you wish to book into.
I give my permission for my child/children to travel on the bus provided by Council. I authorise the leaders to contact emergency services in the event of an emergency; obtain other medical assistance deemed necessary in the event of an emergency/accident, including the administration of an anaesthetic or the carrying out of necessary surgical procedures by a qualified medical practitioner. I agree to pay all medical and dental expenses incurred on behalf of the above participant(s). The health information supplied above is accurate to the best of my knowledge.
Please Note: All the information provided is treated in the strictest confidence, including any health information given. This information is sought in order to protect & assist the participant so that the activity may be a safe & enjoyable experience. West Tamar Council provides the school holiday program for all young residents. We like to include all young people in the activities, so if there are any issues, barriers or financial problems, please feel free to contact Council to discuss these matters on 63239200. To make any suggestions for future activities, please email
I agree to provide my child with the exact cash required for the activity before they get on the bus, or before they commence the activity, unless I have made an alternaitve arrangement with the Youth Development Officer or paid via phone/in person to a WTC Office.