Youth Advisory Council Summit

All LGAT Youth Advisory Councils are invited!

26 July 2021

Updated Summit program

Are you a member of a youth advisory council?

Do you have amazing ideas?

Do you want to collaborate better?

As integral shapers and influencers of our respective communities, we invite you to take the trip to the West Tamar municipality, where we can come together to collaborate, be inspired and draw resource from each other.

NEW Venue Location - The Tailrace Centre - 1 Waterfront Drive Riverside

We have 3 guest speakers to share their amazing journey whilst providing essential skills and tips to help us on our journey.

Tyler Richardson - front man for Tassie punk rock band Luca Brasi

Kirsten Howard - YAC West Tamar, leader of Girl Guides and Manager of McDonalds

Dylan Hesp - comedian, writer and actor

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