Shaping the future
The Youth Advisory Council of the West Tamar is a coordinated group that represents local young people with a real and authentic voice, whilst influencing the future of the West Tamar. Their creative strategies to engage the community mean that the group is at the heartbeat of the life of a young person in the West Tamar.
Young people aged 12-25 are welcome to enquire about connecting with YAC West Tamar.
You don't need to be an existing student leader or have an established position within the community. If you have energy and commitment to your community or even have some ideas about how Council can make the West Tamar a better place for young people, we want to hear from you.
Young people's opinions are important for the development of our community.
All meetings are held at Windsor Community Precinct, Riverside, from 4:00 to 5:15 pm
(Members are welcome to arrive from 3:15pm.)
Meetings are chaired with representation for Council including 4 local Councillors in attendance. Meeting notes are presented to Council each month for review and consideration.
For further information about YAC West Tamar, please contact