Upcoming info you need if you're a YAC member!

Hi YAC members. Feel free to get acquainted with the below info and up to date with what you can be involved in.

YAC 2024 Breakup Registration

YAC Member Agreement

In the interest of participant safety, West Tamar Council expects that you will abide by the following guidelines:

1. Respect equipment provided by West Tamar Council and other people’s belongings.

2. Respect the rights and needs of other YAC members.

3. No violence (verbal or physical) and refraining from coarse language.

4. No smoking, alcohol or illicit drugs.

I have read the rules and by signing below indicate that I understand those rules. If these rules are not followed, parents will be called to collect me from our location.

In case of an emergency, do you give permission for staff to call an ambulance and take your child to the nearest hospital?

Parent/Guardian Agreement

I authorise the leaders to contact the participant’s nominated doctor in the event of an emergency, obtain other medical assistance deemed necessary in the event of an emergency/accident, including the administration of an anaesthetic or the carrying out of necessary surgical procedures by a qualified medical practitioner.

I agree to pay all medical and dental expenses incurred on behalf of the above participant. The health information supplied above is accurate to the best of my knowledge.

I give permission for my son/daughter to have their photo taken whilst on the activities, to be used by the West Tamar Council for reporting requirements/promotional material.


The information that Council is collecting from you is personal information required under the Personal Information Act 2004. The intended recipients of the information are officers of West Tamar Council in order to carry out Council business. Personal information will be used only for the purpose described in the Act, or may be disclosed if authorised by law. The supply of the information by you is not voluntary. If you cannot provide or do not wish to provide the information sought, West Tamar Council will not be able to process your application. You may make application to access or amend the information held by Council by contacting the relevant Council Officer at West Tamar Council on 6323 9200